Knowing a few key words and phrases can be beneficial when traveling in France, especially when ordering food. I am teaching french to my business partners, Michele & Kevin, one word at a time. As a teaching tool, I am presenting Words! in my Blog where you will find a word, an illustration, a definition and a bit of related trivia. When traveling, dining, shopping in France always smile and greet people with a friendly Bonjour! Monsieur/Madame, demonstrating good manners and upholding the unwritten social contract. Most often, even if you do speak french, an individual's accent can be quite different from the local dialect and you will find the locals you greet prefer to carry on the conversation in English. For some this can be a relief, however some would like to practice their French! When visiting the states I sometimes have a difficult time understanding English for the very same reason. So go to my Blog and begin having fun with WORDS!