Particularly in September, after the vendange, I enjoy sipping my morning coffee while overlooking the magnificent landscape surrounding Auberge G.
ChezGren International is the umbrella company for my many business enterprises. It keeps me on the move and at times I find myself double booked and literally need to be in two places at one time. In addition to my Auberge G and my vineyard Domain G, I travel between my Paris restaurant Chez Grenouille and my Bistro ChezGSpa in St. Cuisine. Somewhat miraculously, I manage to arrive in Buffalo NY, on my jet, Butter 2, in time to prepare dinner for my business partners, Kevin & Michele.

Bumper Cars!
I fondly refer to driving in France as "bumper car madness", particularly when navigating a large roundabout like the one you will enter, most likely with trepidation, around L' Arc de Triomphe. As intimidating as it can be, do not hesitate, keep moving and you will find yourself safely deposited where your GPS leads you. Butter1 gives me a slight advantage when zipping around town where you will find the tourists tend to drive larger vehicles including the occasional RV! Parking is not a problem, it fits anywhere including on my plane, Butter2, allowing me to have Butter1 at my disposal at all times. As you can see here the Vaucluse is the go to place for cycling where the motorists are extremely courteous to the riders and use caution on the very steep, narrow and winding mountain roads. The Tour de France is a yearly event where I host Team Domain G and make sure the riders have plenty of Chef G Energy Bars!

The only way to travel.....
Without Butter2 I would not be able to travel daily between the south of France, Paris, NYC and Buffalo to oversee my numerous ChezGren International business holdings. In addition to keeping an eye on my restaurants, I attend meetings, make guest appearances and frequently visit the Palais de l’ Elysées. At the request of my good friend the president, I tutor his private chef with my best kept secrets for his favorite dishes. Butter2 remains at Nice Aeroport while I make a quick getaway in Butter1, wearing one of my many disguises in an effort to elude the ever present Paparazzi. Butter1 fits handily in the storage hold along with my favorite set of chef's knives.

Yes it's me, Chef Grenouille traveling incognito. In an effort to keep the Paparazzi and my fans off my trail I have learned not to don my signature white chef's toque and jacket until I reach my final destination.